Grace Liping Guo, Chinese, living in Amsterdam. She has practised yoga for over 10 years before seeking her spiritual path. She studied Oneness Trainer course and went through Deepening Processes including yoga and meditation in Oneness University in 2010. From there she embarks on her Oneness journey. The interesting thing is, visiting oneness university is also the turning point of Grace’s life in China and in Netherlands.
In December 2011, Grace completed her international MBA study in Utrecht then graduated from TIAS business school. In 2012, she joined Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training then was internationally certified as a Level One Kundalini Yoga Instructor through the International Kundalini Research Institute (KRI). Grace is a Level 2 certified Sat Nam Rasayan Healer since 2015.
With passion to share her knowledge and experience, Grace decided to set up Graceful Life Coaching offering Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Lessons, Oneness Awakening Training (in English and Chinese), Energy Healing, Personal Coaching, Virtual Coaching to people from different cultural backgrounds, and anywhere in the world… Furthermore, she provides valuable business insights and Chinese business culture, combined her coaching and consulting skills, to western business owners and companies to grow their businesses smoothly and profitably.
Grace’s inspiring mission is to guide her customers and clients to a feeling of well being and encourage them to recognize that each moment of their lives is an opportunity for transformation and growth.