3 Phases for receiving the “version” of reality you prefer:
1. See it. (mental)
Visualize it. Imagine it. Daydream it. Visualize it clearly. You don’t need to visualize it for a long time. Short time is sufficient, but you need to visualize it clearly. You need to have a solid clear picture. Visualizing it creates the blueprint, so see it in great detail. See it ==> Become an efficient Mental Antenna to receive this “version” of reality.
2. Feel it. (emotional)
Get excited & passionate about it! How would you feel if you had it now? Feel that now! Plug into your vision with all your emotions & all your senses, as if you had it now! Involve all your senses – imagine smelling it, touching it, tasting it, etc.
Feel it ==> Become an efficient Emotional Antenna to receive this “version” of reality.
3. Be it. (physical)
Physical action. Do it! To ground the experience. Do actions that most closely mimic the actions you “see” yourself doing in your vision. Gather and use whatever props mimic that scenario, and do a “dry run”. Doing this “make believe” physical action trains the body consciousness. This makes it “real for you now”, so the universe then delivers it to you.
NOTE: This physical action does not directly cause this desired reality to manifest. Instead, this physical action creates a more precise vibration in yourself, making you a better antenna to receive it, by you becoming more aligned to the same vibration. The reality you desire already exists. You do not have to create it. You only have to receive it.
Be it ==> Become an efficient Physical Antenna to receive this “version” of reality.
In other words,
- See it. ===> Become a precise mental antenna to “receive” that version of reality.
- Feel it. ===> Become a precise emotional antenna to “receive” that version of reality.
- Be it. ===> Become a precise physical antenna to “receive” that version of reality.
People do not “create” their reality.
They “select” it and “allow it in“.
Beliefs ==> Perception ==> Interpretation ==> Emotional reaction ==> Thoughts ==> Action