*Ekam World Peace Festival – Day 1*
*Opening Day – Come Together in a Sacred Intention to End All War*

Together, we’ll summon a tidal wave of peaceful energy 1 million-strong to end all war, forever.
Today, we will heal our world and usher in global harmony, safety and understanding by highlighting love and empathy in an effort to radiate energy that ends war and aggression.
Wars are most often fought behind the shields of love of country, religion, or God. Those who kill and maim have been indoctrinated to believe that their causes are noble, but at the roots of war are individuals who are divided and driven by a hatred – this hatred is inherited by all and passed on from one generation to another.
Join us as we ring in the 2nd Annual Ekam World Peace Festival. Preethaji & Krishnaji have prepared a meditation for you and millions of others to share in this moment of harmony and personal clarity – to eradicate aggression and hostility and create a safe-heaven for future generations. Tune in as we commence the next chapter of our great movement and help us create a surging flow of peace consciousness across the planet.
*JOIN THE OPENING CEREMONIES* http://bit.ly/ewpf-live
*TIME* – 6.30pm to 7.30pm Indian Standard Time
*For Time at your location*: http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/?t=06%3A30%20pm&tz=Chennai
*English* – https://www.breathingroom.com/videos/peace-festival-day-1
*Czech* – https://zoom.us/j/8367090982
*Dutch* – https://zoom.us/j/7685105413
*Hungarian* – https://zoom.us/j/9493210906
*Italian* – https://zoom.us/j/4024120479
*Hebrew* – https://zoom.us/j/195130426
*Polish* – http://zoom.us/j/3836873953
*Spanish* – https://zoom.us/j/115906345
*Portuguese* – https://zoom.us/j/9454433092
*Korean* – https://zoom.us/j/317325905
*Russian* – https://zoom.us/j/9949352914
*Japanese* – https://zoom.us/j/414355012
*Swedish* – https://zoom.us/j/5557008888
*German* – https://zoom.us/j/665744602
*Chinese* – 中文网页链接http://m.zm518.cn/zhangmen/livenumber/share/entry/?sharerId=d62e3a1567d9cbbfe-4a3c&circleId=6fcca2160a02482a2-78f8&liveId=2439565&from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0