Ganpati Kriya – To Make The Impossible Possible
Kriya to Make The Impossible Possible.
Kriya to Make The Impossible Possible.
The second centre is about flow, change, sexuality, creativity, joy, desire, duality, polarities, passion, movement, pleasure, emotions, and sharing. Its element is water. When balanced in this centre of consciousness, we are creative, empathic, generous, expansive, flexible, and in the flow. We feel passion for life, our relationships are genuine and empowering, we are open […]
Ease into Peace – Ekam World Peace Festival
so purkh, mantra, meditation, love, women, men
July’s meditation, forecast, prosperity, happiness, self-elevation, mantra,
YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO WORLD PEACE Sep 12 to Sep 22, 2019 “PEACE IS A CONSCIOUS STATE” – WORLD PEACE FESTIVAL Our journey to become a peacemaker begins with ourselves. Are we living our lives in a state of peace – peace with ourselves, peace with our families, peace with the world of which we are […]
There is a quickening in the air, a sense of elevated urgency guiding us to step up to the next level in our spiritual journey. We want a breakthrough, and we can have it as long as our internal compass is correctly aligned.The number 6 of June represents the themes of security, protection, family, love, […]
the second chakra, the water element. Key is to keep in a flow of life, meaning no resistance. Remember, over time, water can shape the earth. Fear causes us to tighten. If we tighten, we become cold and frozen. Follow these suggestions to help get in a flow using the power of this full moon energy.
Meditation to Remove fear of the future